Maher is a World-Renowned Innovation Expert as he launched the Fertility Loan, the first of it’s kind in the banking industry, gaining international recognition being interviewed by more than 165 media station like CNN, BBC, Reuters, CBC, FranceTV, Russia Today and many others.
Maher is a pioneer in the filed of Innovation as he launched 3 Inventive Retail Banking Products, which were worth being included as case studies In Professor Philip Kotler’s Textbook “ Principles of Marketing “.
Maher is the Inventor of the Innovators Tool® the first Innovation App built on sound effects, 3D animated images, dynamic quotes, sonic & strategic tailored questions that guides innovators to transform their ideas into profitable innovations. He is as well the inventor of the Innovators Process® patented in 158 Country. He is the creator of The Become An INNOVATOR® Methodology on top of the Innovators Habits©.